At your best, life is great. You're grateful for what you have.
But, let's face it, some times are tough.
Relationship troubles. Work challenges. Sometimes life asks a lot of you. It can be hard to remember that person you love being.
You're not alone.
For more than ten years our mindfulness training has been helping people like you rekindle your joy and find a gentler path through life's challenges.
You can be more at your best - for yourself and those around you.
Hi, I'm Brendan.
When challenges appear, it's hard to be at our best. Life can lose its sparkle.
But in more than 20 years of mindfulness training I've found there's a spectacular up-side to our lives that we don't notice.
As a mindfulness teacher and counsellor, I run programs for people yearning to re-discover this vibrant way of living. Access our up-side and life reveals its brighter face again.
These programs are a journey shared with others, and filled with intriguing stories, questions and discussion. Laughter is never far away.
I'd love to see you there.
Enjoy being you again. Learning to dwell in positive mindsets, you become your own best friend. Enjoy your own company and life is a sunnier place.
Life is back under control. Realising what's yours and what's not simplifies life. You see people and situations more clearly. You are naturally more calm.
Connect more deeply. Improving your relating improves everything. Make new connections in the course and begin to strengthen relationships outside of it.
You've got this. You can handle stuff. Acquiring a toolkit of fresh solutions for old problems makes the world a safer place for you.
You're allowed (supposed) to be happy. Recognising the causes of positive, uplifting emotions makes them choose-able. Make that choice!
Let's talk about your upside.
Become better friends with yourself and life becomes a friendlier place.
Enjoy the lifestyle of the person you enjoy being.
"Daring to Live Vibrantly" 8 weeks. $350. (Online)
You will:
Drop me a line to arrange a chat or to register for the course now.
I'll get back to you in 24-48 hours.
I look forward to connecting with you.